Stove Hearth Pads (10% Off All In Stock Sizes & Colors, While Supplies Last!)



Stove Hearth Pads

These hearth pads are the way to go if you are looking for something already made with an elegant design. The pads are sized to fit into a corner or flat wall for your stove to stand on and have the proper insulation R Value your stove and insurance require. We show both the tiles hearths and metal hearths in our showroom and can do a special order for the perfect pad for you!

Tiled Hearth Options: American Panel Tiled Hearths & American Panel Tiled Hearth Classics

Metal Hearth Options: American Panel Steel Hearths & Ember King Metal Hearths

*We show all samples at our Energy Savers showroom.

For Pricing, Availability, and to Order: Call, Email, or Stop by our Showroom