Lopi Radiant Plus Large Gas Insert *On Sale, Now – March 22!


Lopi Radiant Plus Large Gas Insert

The Radiant Plus Large gas insert by Lopi is a simple design and with simple controls, making it one of our Best Value Units! This model come in two variations as a millivolt unit or GreenSmart Basic (GSB) unit. The millivolt unit has a continuous pilot light going with a 7 day shut off timer. The 7 day timer means that if you do not use the unit within 7 days of last use the pilot will automatically shut off. While the GSB unit has the option to use an intermediate pilot light while still having a continuous pilot. If you do not want to hassle with restarting the pilot light the GSB unit is for you and all you have to do is flip a switch then hit on.

*We currently show this model on display in our showroom.


Flame Height Adjustment: Standard
Variable Speed Fan: Optional
Back Burner Turnoff: N/A
Accent Lights: N/A
On/Off Switch: Standard
Remote: Optional
Pilot Light: Millivolt Continuous Pilot, IPI Pilot (GSB Only)


Heating Capacity: Up to 1,650 Sq. Feet,,
Maximum BTU Input: 33,000 BTU’s / Hour
Minimum Fireplace Opening: 23.5” H x 30.25” W x 14.875” D


For More Information On This Unit and Pictures: Lopi Radiant Plus Large Gas Insert

To Design This Insert: Design Your Fire

For Pricing and Availability: Call, Email or Stop in Our Showroom